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Rental rules and cancellation policy

1. The rental of a tourist home is regulated by the Tourist Legislation in place in Catalunya and, more specifically by Decree 75/2020 of 4 August.

2. The amount of the reservation corresponds to 40% of the total rent. Upon collection of the keys, the tenants will pay the remaining amount of the rent, the deposit and the tourist tax. The corresponding tourist tax will be stipulated by the competent administration, in force on the date of entry of the tourist stay.

3. The right to occupy the rented home will start at 4 p.m. of the day of entry and will end at 10am. of the day of departure. The keys will be collected at our offices located in L'’Escala, on Av. Ave Maria 2. Our opening hours are from 9am to 1.15pm on Mondays, and from 9am to 1.15pm and from 4pm to 8pm from Tuesday to Saturday, closed on Sundays and public holidays. We ask that you adjust to this schedule so that we can serve you appropiately. It is recommended that you indicate the approximate time of your arrival. In the event that the client does not collect the keys or make the corresponding payment within 24 hours of the start of the right to occupy the home, the agency will not be required to maintain the reservation and may have the accommodation for other potential tenants, except for notification of the delay in arrival by the client and subsequent acceptance by the agency.

4. The security deposit will be returned once the accommodation has been inspected. Between 9 and 10 in the morning on the day of departure, we will come to visit you to check the house. In the event that our visit is not made, please return the keys to us at 10am. in the morning. The client will leave the home and furniture in the same condition as when found on arrival.

5. We would kindly ask you to replace any items of material or utensils (cutlery, crockery, glasses, for example), that get broken during your stay in the apartment or house. If the item is an important element of the accommodation the breakage must be reported to the agency.

6. The rental fee does not include the cleaning of the accommodation on the day of departure. Therefore we ask you to kindly leave the premises suitably clean and tidy. If for any reason this is not possible, please let us know so that we can hire the cleaning service, the cost of which will be charged to your account and in accordance with current rates. The hiring of this service should not be a pretext for not leaving the house as clean and tidy as possible with the material and kitchen utensils put away in the correct place.

7. Should you wish to leave the property before the arranged departure date and time, please let us know so that a time and place can be fixed for returning the keys.

8. The rental price includes water, electricity and gas consumption (if available). Regarding the latter, when the gas bottle is empty, you can pass by our offices to pick up a full one, at no extra charge. For reasons of safety, please close the valve on the gas bottle (if available) when the different elements that require gas are not being used. Concerning water and electricity consumption, please avoid excessive use of both, especially if the property has air-conditioning.

9. The rental fee does not include sheets, towels or tea towels.

10. Family pets are only allowed in the property when this has been authorized by the agency. In this case, the client is responsible for any disturbances an animal may cause (cleanliness, noise, damage, etc.).

11. In accommodation that forms part of an owners'' association, the internal regulations, statutes or stipulated rules must be observed.

12. The tenants are obliged to respect the maximum capacity permitted per property. In the case of an Owners'' Association with communal spaces (pool, tennis court, gardens), only persons staying at the property are permitted to use these facilities.

13. Taking any elements or items of furniture from the house or apartment outside is not permitted (tables or chairs, sofas, electrical equipment, etc.) with the exception of garden or terrace material or furniture.

14. As a prevention against the risk of theft, do not leave any personal objects outside the property (terrace or garden), and make sure that all external openings of doors and windows are securely closed when you leave the property or when there is unchecked coming and going of different people. The agency is not responsible for any objects stolen from the tenants. The insurance policy that covers this house/apartment only includes the property belonging to the owner.

15. We kindly ask you to avoid making any noise that could disturb the neighbours, especially after 10 p.m.

16. FINQUES GUANTER is available to provide you with any information you may need and help you during your stay If you find that there is something missing, or broken down, or if you have any complaints, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try our best to solve any problems as soon as possible. Under no circumstances will FINQUES GUANTER be held responsible for any damage caused by external factors unrelated to the rented property. However, the agency is committed, at all times, to taking any action within its capabilities to solve a problem, or at least, minimize it.

17A. The cancellation by the customer of the reservation made will result in the following penalties:
· 25% of the amount already paid, on account of the reservation (10% of the total rent), if canceled more than two months before the date of entry.
· 50% of the amount already paid, on account of the reservation (20% of the total rent), if canceled between two months and fifteen days before the date of entry.
· 100% of the amount already paid, on account of the reservation (40% of the total rent), if the cancellation is made during the fifteen days prior to the entry of the tourist stay.
· It will always be taken into account that the amount corresponding to the reservation is 40% of the total rent and, therefore, the penalty will be calculated on this percentage.

17B. The reasons for this cancellation by the customer include any type of cause, either for health impediment and / or for reasons beyond the control of the customer and the tourist rental agency, even in the event that it is due to a state of national or international alarm or any other exception (due to medical pandemics or other political or social causes) that does not completely prevent the movement by closure of borders, regions or other administrative divisions. Only in the case of a compulsory travel ban forced by the competent authorities, the agency will return 100% of the reservation made.

17C. The rental commitment does not include any type of insurance provided by the agency to cover the cancellation of the reservation. The customer can contract ant insurance with the entity deemed appropriate, and with the clauses that this has associated.

The measures to manage episodes of regional water shortages agreed by the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) and/or other competent public administrations will be mandatory for both contracting parties. In compliance with the regulations, services may be affected that cannot be carried out normally. No such event will entail any type of compensation.

19. Finally, the reservation of a tourist accommodation implies the acceptance, by the client, of the general regulations and cancellation policy contained in this document.